As stated by the International District Energy Association (IDEA), modern cities are turning to district energy infrastructure to preserve resources, contribute to energy efficiency, and provide critical services to rapidly growing dense urban centers.
Furthermore, UN Environment’s “District Energy in Cities” initiative describes the implementation of energy districts as a key strategy of the COP21 Climate Agreement in Paris, especially for cities seeking to improve energy efficiency, reduce emissions of ozone-depleting substances, conserve water and support sustainable economic development.
Latin America is currently a growing market, where energy demand has increased by 70% in the last 20 years, according to data from the Energy Hub for Latin America and the Caribbean.
Colombia is the leader in the region for the implementation of district energy. Here, 74% of people live in cities, and 80% of these cities require the use of air conditioning systems in their buildings. Therefore, the implementation of energy districts is projected as an alternative for efficient and sustainable energy generation and use.